Understanding Hukum Tajwid Surat At-Taubah Ayat 122

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Understanding Hukum Tajwid Surat At-Taubah Ayat 122


Surat At-Taubah is the ninth chapter of the Holy Quran, and it contains various verses that provide guidance and teachings for Muslims. One of the verses, Ayat 122, holds significance in terms of Tajwid, which refers to the rules and principles of proper Quranic recitation. In this article, we will explore the Hukum Tajwid (recitation rules) for Surat At-Taubah Ayat 122 and understand its importance in maintaining the beauty and accuracy of Quranic recitation.

Hukum Tajwid Surat At-Taubah Ayat 122

Ayat 122 of Surat At-Taubah states: “And it is not for the believers to go forth [to battle] all at once. For there should separate from every division of them a group [remaining] to obtain understanding in the religion and warn their people when they return to them that they might be cautious.”

When reciting this verse, it is essential to observe the following Tajwid rules:

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1. Idgham

Idgham is a Tajwid rule that involves merging two specific letters or sounds together. In Surat At-Taubah Ayat 122, the letter “ن” (noon) in the word “ينفروا” should be pronounced with idgham by merging it with the following letter “ف.” Therefore, it would be pronounced as “ينفروف.”

2. Madd

Madd refers to the elongation of a vowel sound. In this verse, there are several letters that should be elongated:

  • The letter “ع” (ayn) in the word “عليهم” should be elongated for two vowel counts.
  • The letter “ف” (fa) in “ينفروا” should be elongated for four vowel counts.
  • The letter “م” (meem) in “يعلموا” should be elongated for two vowel counts.

3. Waqf

Waqf refers to the pause or stop at the end of a verse. In Surat At-Taubah Ayat 122, it is recommended to make a waqf (stop) at the end of the verse to ensure proper recitation and understanding of the message conveyed.

Importance of Observing Hukum Tajwid

Observing the Hukum Tajwid is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Preserving the beauty of the Quranic recitation: Tajwid rules help in maintaining the melodic and rhythmic flow of the Quran, making the recitation more pleasing to the ears.
  2. Ensuring accurate pronunciation: Tajwid rules prevent mispronunciation and ensure the correct articulation of each letter, as they carry distinct meanings and significance.
  3. Facilitating better understanding: Proper Tajwid enhances comprehension of the Quranic verses, allowing individuals to grasp the intended message more effectively.
  4. Respecting the sacredness of the Quran: By reciting the Quran with proper Tajwid, Muslims show reverence and respect for the Holy Book, acknowledging its divine nature.
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Surat At-Taubah Ayat 122 holds valuable lessons for believers, emphasizing the importance of knowledge and understanding in the religion. By observing the Hukum Tajwid for this verse, Muslims can ensure a more accurate and beautiful recitation of the Quran. Tajwid rules play a vital role in preserving the integrity of the Quran and enabling individuals to connect with its profound teachings. Let us strive to recite the Quran with proper Tajwid and deepen our understanding of its divine guidance.

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