Build Guinevere Tersakit 2022

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Guinevere, the elegant and powerful Mage in Mobile Legends, has been a favorite among players since her release. Her ability to control the battlefield with her crowd control and burst damage makes her a force to be reckoned with. In this article, we will discuss the best build for Guinevere in 2022 to ensure you dominate your opponents.

Item Build

Building Guinevere requires a careful selection of items to maximize her damage output and survivability. Here is the recommended build:

1. Magic Shoes – This item provides cooldown reduction, allowing Guinevere to use her skills more frequently. The bonus movement speed also helps her maneuver around the battlefield.

2. Calamity Reaper – This item enhances Guinevere’s burst damage by providing additional Magic Power and a passive that deals extra true damage after using a skill.

3. Concentrated Energy – This item increases Guinevere’s sustainability by providing spell vamp, which allows her to heal when dealing damage with her skills.

4. Holy Crystal – Holy Crystal provides a significant boost to Guinevere’s Magic Power, increasing the damage of her skills.

5. Divine Glaive – This item is essential for dealing with tanky opponents as it provides Magic Penetration, allowing Guinevere to bypass their magic resistance.

6. Blood Wings – Blood Wings increases Guinevere’s survivability by providing a large amount of Magic Power and bonus HP based on her total Magic Power.

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Emblem and Spell

For Guinevere, the best emblem to use is the Mage Emblem. Allocate your points into Magic Power and Magic Penetration to maximize her damage output. As for the spell, Flicker is the ideal choice as it provides an additional mobility option and can be used to initiate or escape from fights.

Early Game

During the early game, focus on farming and clearing waves to gain experience and gold. Guinevere’s passive, “Super Magic,” allows her to deal bonus damage to minions and monsters, making it easier to farm. Once you reach level 4, you can start looking for opportunities to gank and secure kills with your teammates.

Use Guinevere’s first skill, “Magic Thump,” to poke and harass your opponents from a safe distance. This skill also provides a shield that absorbs damage, allowing you to trade effectively. When the enemy is low on health or overextends, use your ultimate, “Violet Requiem,” to burst them down and secure the kill.

Mid Game

During the mid game, Guinevere’s power spikes, and she becomes a significant threat in team fights. Stick with your team and look for opportunities to engage the enemy. Guinevere’s second skill, “Spatial Migration,” allows her to dash through walls and surprise the enemy from unexpected angles.

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Coordinate with your teammates and initiate fights with your ultimate. Use your skills to control the enemy team, targeting their squishy carries. Guinevere’s crowd control abilities can disrupt the enemy’s formation and provide an advantage for your team to secure objectives like turrets and the Turtle.

Late Game

In the late game, Guinevere’s damage output remains formidable, but her survivability may become a challenge. Position yourself carefully in team fights and prioritize targeting high-value enemy heroes. Guinevere excels at diving into the backline and eliminating the enemy’s damage dealers.

Always communicate with your team and coordinate your engages. Timing is crucial, as a mistimed ultimate can leave you vulnerable to counterattacks. Take advantage of the chaos in team fights to land your skills and deal massive damage.


In conclusion, Guinevere is a powerful Mage in Mobile Legends who can dominate the battlefield with her burst damage and crowd control. By following the recommended item build, emblem setup, and spell choice, you can maximize her potential and secure victory for your team. Remember to farm efficiently during the early game, coordinate with your team during the mid game, and prioritize high-value targets in the late game. Master her skills, and you will become a force to be reckoned with as Guinevere, the unstoppable Mage.

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