Translate Krama – The Art of Politeness in Indonesian

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Translate Krama – The Art of Politeness in Indonesian


Indonesia, a diverse country with various ethnicities and cultures, is known for its rich and polite language. One of the unique aspects of Indonesian language is the use of “Krama,” which refers to a set of speech levels used to express politeness and respect. In this article, we will delve into the concept of “Translate Krama” and its significance in Indonesian society.

What is Krama?

Krama is a linguistic term in Javanese language that means “behavior” or “courtesy.” In Indonesian, Krama refers to the use of formal and polite language to show respect towards others, especially those who are older or of higher social status. It is an essential part of Indonesian communication and is used in various situations, including formal occasions, ceremonies, and interactions with elders.

The Importance of Translate Krama

Translate Krama plays a crucial role in Indonesian society as it reflects the values of respect, humility, and harmony. By using polite language, individuals show their consideration for others and maintain harmonious relationships. It is seen as a sign of good manners and is greatly appreciated by the recipients.

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Levels of Krama

Krama can be divided into different levels, each with its own degree of formality and politeness. The three main levels of Krama are:

1. Krama Inggil

Krama Inggil, also known as “High Krama,” is the highest level of politeness in Indonesian language. It is used to address individuals of much higher social status, such as government officials, religious leaders, or respected elders. This level of Krama requires the use of complex sentence structures and specific vocabulary.

2. Krama Madya

Krama Madya, also known as “Middle Krama,” is the intermediate level of politeness used to address individuals of higher social status or those whom you want to show respect to. It is commonly used in formal settings, such as business meetings or when speaking to someone older than you. Krama Madya maintains a balance between formality and familiarity.

3. Krama Alus

Krama Alus, also known as “Low Krama,” is the lowest level of politeness used in daily conversations. It is the most casual and familiar form of Indonesian language. Krama Alus is used when speaking to friends, siblings, or individuals of lower social status. It is considered less formal and more relaxed compared to the other two levels.

Mastering Translate Krama

Mastering Translate Krama requires practice and familiarity with the specific vocabulary and sentence structures used in each level. It is essential to understand the context and the social status of the person you are addressing to choose the appropriate level of politeness. Listening to native speakers, reading formal texts, and engaging in conversations with respected individuals can greatly aid in improving one’s proficiency in Translate Krama.

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Examples of Translate Krama

Here are a few examples of how Translate Krama is applied in Indonesian language:

Example 1:

Krama Inggil: “Punika kangjeng nDalem Gusti, sampun nyuwun pangapuntenipun, kula mugi prasaja nglurug kasampurnan.”

Krama Madya: “Yang Mulia, saya mohon maaf, saya berharap semoga bisa menuruti segala perintah.”

Krama Alus: “Mas, maaf ya, aku berharap bisa melakukan semua yang kamu minta.”

Example 2:

Krama Inggil: “Sira Gusti, sampun kabagi iwang kula minangka pangaksama, pinaraksa nyuwun pangapunten lan ngaturaken restu.”

Krama Madya: “Bapak/Ibu, saya mohon maaf jika saya berbuat salah, saya memohon maaf dan memohon restu.”

Krama Alus: “Pak/Bu, maaf ya kalau ada kesalahan, saya minta maaf dan minta restunya.”


Translate Krama is an integral part of Indonesian language and culture. It reflects the values of respect, politeness, and harmony. By understanding and using the appropriate level of politeness, individuals can effectively communicate and show their consideration towards others. Mastering Translate Krama takes time and practice, but it is a valuable skill that enhances interpersonal relationships and fosters a harmonious society.

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