Build Claude Tersakit 2023

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Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) is a popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed and published by Moonton. With its fast-paced gameplay and strategic team battles, MLBB has gained a massive following worldwide. One of the most sought-after heroes in MLBB is Claude, a powerful marksman known for his speed and damage output. In this article, we will discuss how to build Claude to be the strongest in 2023.

Understanding Claude’s Abilities

Before diving into the build, it is crucial to understand Claude’s abilities and playstyle. Claude’s passive ability, Battle Side-by-Side, allows him to deal extra damage with his basic attacks. His first skill, Art of Thievery, enables him to dash towards enemies and steal their movement and attack speed. His second skill, Battle Mirror Image, creates a mirror image that attacks enemies and provides Claude with additional lifesteal. Lastly, his ultimate, Blazing Duet, fires a barrage of bullets in a designated direction, dealing massive damage to enemies.

Primary Build: Swift Boots and Demon Hunter Sword

For Claude’s primary build, it is essential to focus on attack speed and physical damage. Start by purchasing Swift Boots, which provide additional attack speed. This item is crucial for Claude as it allows him to maximize his passive ability and deal more damage with basic attacks. Pair Swift Boots with Demon Hunter Sword, a powerful item that enhances Claude’s attack damage and provides lifesteal.

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Secondary Build: Golden Staff and Windtalker

In the secondary build, we will further enhance Claude’s attack speed and critical hit chance. Golden Staff is an excellent item to purchase as it increases attack speed and provides additional damage based on Claude’s max HP. This item synergizes well with his passive ability and allows him to deal significant damage in team fights. Combine Golden Staff with Windtalker, an item that grants Claude additional attack speed, movement speed, and critical hit chance. Windtalker’s passive ability, Typhoon, also deals splash damage to nearby enemies, making it an excellent choice for Claude.

Alternate Build: Blade of Despair and Endless Battle

If you prefer a more burst-oriented playstyle, you can opt for an alternate build focusing on critical hits and damage. Start by purchasing Blade of Despair, a powerful item that provides additional attack damage and increases damage dealt to enemies with HP below 50%. Combine Blade of Despair with Endless Battle, an item that enhances Claude’s basic attacks and provides additional true damage based on his physical attack. This build allows Claude to quickly eliminate squishy targets and deal massive damage in a short amount of time.

Emblem and Battle Spell

For Claude’s emblem, the Marksman emblem is the most suitable choice. Focus on upgrading talents that enhance attack speed, critical hit chance, and physical damage. As for the battle spell, Flicker is highly recommended for Claude as it provides an additional escape mechanism and allows him to reposition during team fights.

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Playstyle and Tips

When playing Claude, it is crucial to farm efficiently to maximize his potential. Focus on last-hitting minions and jungle monsters to accumulate gold and experience. Once you have completed your core items, start joining team fights and using Claude’s abilities to deal massive damage to enemies.

During team fights, position yourself carefully and use Battle Mirror Image to gain lifesteal and sustain in battle. Make use of Claude’s mobility provided by Art of Thievery to dodge enemy attacks and position yourself for optimal damage output. Use Blazing Duet to finish off low-health enemies or deal damage to multiple targets at once.

Communication and teamwork are essential when playing Claude. Coordinate with your teammates to set up kills and secure objectives. As a marksman, it is crucial to prioritize your safety and avoid getting caught out of position.


In conclusion, building Claude to be the strongest in 2023 requires a focus on attack speed, physical damage, and critical hit chance. The primary build consists of Swift Boots and Demon Hunter Sword, while the secondary build incorporates Golden Staff and Windtalker. For a more burst-oriented playstyle, consider Blade of Despair and Endless Battle. Remember to upgrade the Marksman emblem and choose Flicker as the battle spell. Farm efficiently, position yourself well during team fights, and communicate with your team to achieve victory with Claude. Good luck on your journey to becoming the strongest Claude player in 2023!

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