Contoh Kalimat Sebab Akibat Bahasa Inggris

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Pengertian Sebab Akibat

Sebab akibat atau cause and effect adalah hubungan antara suatu peristiwa dengan peristiwa lainnya yang menyebabkan terjadinya suatu hasil atau dampak. Dalam bahasa Inggris, kita dapat mengungkapkan hubungan sebab akibat menggunakan kalimat sebab akibat atau cause and effect sentences.

Contoh Kalimat Sebab Akibat Bahasa Inggris

Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh kalimat sebab akibat dalam bahasa Inggris:

1. Sebab: I forgot to set my alarm clock.
Akibat: I overslept and missed the bus to work.

2. Sebab: She studied hard for the exam.
Akibat: She got a high score.

3. Sebab: They didn’t water the plants.
Akibat: The plants withered and died.

4. Sebab: He didn’t eat breakfast.
Akibat: He felt hungry during the meeting.

5. Sebab: The road was slippery due to the rain.
Akibat: The car skidded and crashed into a tree.

6. Sebab: They practiced every day.
Akibat: They won the competition.

7. Sebab: She didn’t pay attention in class.
Akibat: She failed the test.

8. Sebab: He saved money every month.
Akibat: He could afford to buy a new car.

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9. Sebab: They didn’t follow the instructions.
Akibat: Their project was rejected.

10. Sebab: She exercised regularly.
Akibat: She became fit and healthy.

11. Sebab: He didn’t study for the test.
Akibat: He failed the exam.

12. Sebab: They missed the train.
Akibat: They arrived late for the meeting.

13. Sebab: She saved money for a trip.
Akibat: She could afford to go on vacation.

14. Sebab: They didn’t wear helmets while riding a motorcycle.
Akibat: They got injured in an accident.

15. Sebab: He ate too much junk food.
Akibat: He gained weight.

16. Sebab: They didn’t study for the presentation.
Akibat: They performed poorly.

17. Sebab: She didn’t recharge her phone.
Akibat: Her phone battery died.

18. Sebab: He didn’t wear a seatbelt.
Akibat: He got injured in a car accident.

19. Sebab: They didn’t clean their room.
Akibat: Their room became messy and dirty.

20. Sebab: She didn’t drink enough water.
Akibat: She felt dehydrated.

21. Sebab: He didn’t lock the door.
Akibat: His house got burglarized.

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22. Sebab: They didn’t prepare for the interview.
Akibat: They didn’t get the job.

23. Sebab: She didn’t take the umbrella.
Akibat: She got wet in the rain.

24. Sebab: He didn’t listen to the instructions.
Akibat: He made a mistake.

25. Sebab: They didn’t follow the recipe.
Akibat: The dish turned out to be a disaster.

26. Sebab: She didn’t wear sunscreen.
Akibat: She got a sunburn.

27. Sebab: He didn’t exercise regularly.
Akibat: He gained weight and became unhealthy.

28. Sebab: They didn’t charge their phone.
Akibat: Their phone battery died.

29. Sebab: She didn’t wear a helmet while riding a bicycle.
Akibat: She got injured in an accident.

30. Sebab: He didn’t follow the traffic rules.
Akibat: He got a traffic ticket.


Itulah beberapa contoh kalimat sebab akibat dalam bahasa Inggris. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, seringkali kita mengalami hubungan sebab akibat. Dengan memahami dan menggunakan kalimat sebab akibat, kita dapat lebih jelas dan teratur dalam menyampaikan informasi. Semoga contoh-contoh di atas dapat membantu Anda memahami dan mengaplikasikan kalimat sebab akibat dalam bahasa Inggris.

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