Understanding the Meaning of “Define Adalah” in Indonesian

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Are you curious about the meaning of “define adalah” and its significance in the Indonesian language? In this article, we will delve into the definition and usage of this phrase, uncovering its implications in various contexts. Whether you are a language enthusiast or simply seeking to expand your vocabulary, read on to explore the depths of “define adalah” in relaxed Indonesian.

Defining “Define Adalah”

Before we explore the meaning of “define adalah,” let’s break down the individual terms. “Define” is an English word that translates to “mendefinisikan” in Indonesian, depicting the act of explaining or giving meaning to a concept. On the other hand, “adalah” is an Indonesian word that translates to “is” in English, serving as a linking verb to equate a subject with its predicate.

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Usage of “Define Adalah”

When used together, “define adalah” is commonly employed to introduce or provide a concise definition of a term or concept. This phrase is frequently used in academic, educational, or professional settings to clarify the meaning of specific words or ideas. By utilizing “define adalah,” individuals can obtain a clear understanding of a subject matter.

Examples of “Define Adalah” in Context

Let’s explore some practical examples to illustrate the usage of “define adalah” in everyday conversations:

Example 1:

Person A: “Apa arti ‘persistence’ dalam bahasa Inggris?”

Person B: “Mendefinisikan adalah menjelaskan atau memberikan arti dari sesuatu. Jadi, ‘persistence’ adalah ketekunan atau kegigihan dalam mencapai tujuan.”

Example 2:

Person A: “Tolong definisikan ‘teknologi’.”

Person B: “Tentu! Mendefinisikan adalah memberikan makna atau penjelasan tentang suatu konsep. Jadi, ‘teknologi’ adalah penerapan ilmu pengetahuan dalam menciptakan alat, mesin, atau sistem untuk mempermudah pekerjaan manusia.”

Expanding Vocabulary with “Define Adalah”

Learning new words and expanding our vocabulary is crucial for effective communication. By utilizing “define adalah” or its English counterpart “is defined as,” we can enrich our understanding of various terms and concepts. This not only enhances our language skills but also enables us to express ourselves more precisely in Indonesian.

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In conclusion, “define adalah” plays a significant role in Indonesian language and communication. It serves as a powerful tool for explaining and giving meaning to different words and concepts. By understanding the usage and implications of “define adalah,” individuals can enhance their language skills and engage in more effective communication. So, let’s continue exploring and expanding our vocabulary with the help of “define adalah”!

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