Selamat Siang in English: Translation and Usage

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Selamat siang is a common Indonesian greeting that translates to “good afternoon” in English. It is used to greet someone during the midday hours and is an essential part of Indonesian culture and etiquette. In this article, we will explore the meaning, usage, and cultural significance of selamat siang, as well as provide examples of its usage in English conversations.

Meaning and Usage

Selamat siang is a combination of two Indonesian words: selamat, meaning “good,” and siang, meaning “daytime” or “afternoon.” When combined, it forms the greeting that is commonly used to say “good afternoon” to someone in Indonesia. The phrase is primarily used between 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM, which is considered the official afternoon period in Indonesia.

Cultural Significance

Greetings are an essential part of Indonesian culture, and selamat siang holds significant cultural value. Indonesians are known for their warm and friendly nature, and greetings like selamat siang reflect this cultural trait. The phrase is not only used for formal interactions but also for informal ones, emphasizing the importance of politeness and respect in Indonesian society.

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Usage Examples

Here are a few examples of how to use selamat siang in English conversations:

Example 1:

Person A: Selamat siang! Apa kabar? (Good afternoon! How are you?)

Person B: Selamat siang juga! Kabar baik, terima kasih. (Good afternoon to you too! I’m doing well, thank you.)

Example 2:

Person A: Selamat siang, Bapak! Ada yang bisa saya bantu? (Good afternoon, Sir! How can I assist you?)

Person B: Selamat siang! Saya mencari informasi tentang produk Anda. (Good afternoon! I’m looking for information about your products.)

Using Selamat Siang in Different Settings

Selamat siang can be used in various settings, both formal and informal. Here are a few examples:

1. Formal Setting:

In a professional or formal setting, such as an office or business meeting, selamat siang is used to greet colleagues, clients, or superiors during the afternoon hours.

2. Informal Setting:

In a casual or social setting, such as meeting friends or family members, selamat siang can be used to greet and acknowledge each other during the midday hours.

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3. Public Places:

In public places like markets, shops, or restaurants, it is common for both customers and staff members to greet each other with selamat siang.


Selamat siang, meaning “good afternoon” in English, is a widely used greeting in Indonesia during the midday hours. It reflects the warm and polite nature of Indonesian culture. Whether in formal or informal settings, using selamat siang shows respect and friendliness towards others. So, the next time you find yourself in Indonesia or conversing with Indonesian friends, don’t forget to greet them with a cheerful “selamat siang!”

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